Thursday, October 9, 2008

A Commentary on the Upcoming Election

I am not the type who feels compelled to write a letter to the editor of my local newspaper (too much fallout living in a homogeneous small town!), but they say that writing is therapeutic and I've had some thoughts rustling around in my head like the autumn leaves blowing around on my deck...

I was so pleased when I learned last night that one of my friends who is a self-proclaimed “long-time, Reagan Republican” made a post-debate declaration that he is voting for Obama on November 4! I thought “Halleluiah!…Better late than never…We need smart, young professionals rocking the vote the right way”! I wholly believe that the choice is glaring – Obama is hands down the candidate to vote for. That started me thinking about the reasons that anyone (especially thirtysomething Gen Xer’s like myself) would even consider casting a vote for McCain. I really struggle to understand this phenomenon! After much contemplation, I came up with five primary reasons:

1. Clinging to the past….

Republicans have traditionally been thought of and respected as fiscally and economically responsible and conservative. The true embodiment of realist vs. optimist – and I can appreciate that being “risk-taking challenged” myself. However, it is safe to say that this reputation is one of the past with the W imposed staggering national debt and the sinful amount of money being poured into Iraq daily. It’s interesting that during the Clinton tenure we enjoyed a sound economy and the deficit was decreased…hmmm.

2. You are rich.

3. The GOP is the party of choice for Fundamentalist Christians – aka “Creepy Christians”.

This has to do with the Sarah “It’s Part of God’s Divine Plan Every Time I Use the Bathroom” Palin factor.

Don’t get me wrong; I am an active member and elder at my local Presbyterian church. But, all this extreme, scary proselytizing group cares about is inflicting their self-righteous agenda on an ever-diverse American public. Never mind that the US economy is upside down, bass ackwards…all these people want is to outlaw the right to a safely administered abortion and to deny rights to decent, law-abiding homosexuals all under the guise of “promoting family values”. To the detriment of the Republican Party, this group glommed on during the Reagan years and unfortunately continues to use them as a vehicle to perpetuate oppressive right-wing philosophy and legislation, detracting from the crucial issues that plague our country.

4. You made Forbes Magazine “Top 40 Under 40 CEOs”.

5. You are a 2nd or 3rd generation Republican who votes straight down party lines.

It takes a truly self-confident and freethinking individual to break out of this type of legacy. There are only a few people that I know that have had the courage to deviate from their “heritage” and objectively look at candidates despite party affiliation. We love our parents and grandparents after all!

I was struck by the “knock you over the head difference” in the candidates after the 2nd debate. McCain came across worn-out, crusty, condescending and practically resentful toward Obama, speaking in generalities, and looking like he has spent half his life vying for the unattainable presidency. For me, Obama exudes exuberance and a passion to improve the state of our country. He is composed, articulate, and a great statesman. His policies are well crafted and exemplify necessary short term and long-term strategies. He is diplomatic and intellectual, yet in touch with the typical American family. How can you not support the honorable and fresh mission of this modern day JFK?

So, there is no proverbial or memorable end to this blog. It is just an attempt by me to fathom why there won’t be a landslide victory for Obama (as there should be). I can only hope that people will engage their brains, look at the true issues facing our country, question, and challenge themselves to think on higher levels and with open minds.

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